I'm sorry, Sour Grapes, for those affected by this move. I can add nothing other than when I became a Witness in the '60s, we rented the civic auditorium in my coastal town for the circuit assembly and the fairgrounds for the district.
Sure, it was lot of work, but it was good to participate in the set up, the cooking, distributing the anticipated releases -- everything that made our faith seem relevant. And leaving the venue cleaner than when we arrived. Oh yeah, the latest from FWF!
For the circuit assembly, the Friday evening meal was prepared in portable kitchens, then the program; Saturday morning service, afternoon and evening programs; Sunday, the same. Not to overlook, the three squares during each day of the weekend. It was exciting as we anticipated the countdown to the Big A.
No denying the craziness of the religion, but money and real estate were by no means the focus.
What a total letdown, on all counts.